Our home isn’t perfect, but we’re working on it!

There are so many things to do at the Red House, and it takes strong organization and planning to manage them all. Join us as we tackle our remodeling and decorating projects, plant our garden and prepare seasonal recipes for the things we grow. 

Rustic Pumpkin Hazelnut Tortelloni with Chanterelle Cream Sauce

An all-day slow cooking adventure in local, seasonal dining, Pasta

White Bean Soup with Cucuzza

A warm, comforting end of season bowl from the garden

Pumpkin Cookies with Pumpkin Glaze

Soft, pillowy, cookies with lots of pumpkin and warm spices

How To Eat a Pumpkin

Turn those cute orange things from the farm into pies.

Garden Diary: Third Week of April

In which I explain my sudden absence. Warning, it’s stabby.




About Us

We’re learning how to live the good life, together! Welcome to our home.